Wednesday, June 09, 2004Things I Would Yell at People If I Had the Nerve![]() To cars marked STUDENT DRIVER, as I speed toward them: AAA! Look out -- my brakes aren't working! I hope you've got an airbag! Bleah! Lookout! To my insane neighbor lady: My dog is a [expletive deleted] female! No y-chromosomes, dammit! FEMALE! To Snake 'n' Bacon: You're real bacon! Sssss! To Colin Quinn: You are NOT funny and you never have been! You definitely do not deserve a show on Comedy Central! To the essays I've been grading for weeks: Ha ha! I'm DONE! So boo-ya-ka on you, [expletive deleted]es! To people who don't use their turn signals: What the [expletive deleted] is wrong with you!? If I truly hated anyone, I would hate you! To people who read my blog but never post comments: What do you think the comments box is there for!? What the [expletive deleted] is wrong with you!? TimeWaster™ Here, look -- all sorts of backwards messages in popular music. Really. Today I'm listening to: Mad Professor, the perfect hot-weather music! |
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