Thursday, August 26, 2004Idiots, Morons, and World Events![]() Interestingly, developing countries are being asked to cut domestic support for agriculture at a time when a majority of the 3 billion farmers in the majority world earn less than half of what a European or American cow gets as subsidy -- US $ 3 a day. It is also widely accepted that developing countries do not have the means to provide direct farm support to farmers. It is therefore not only amazing but shocking beyond belief to see the way the developing country negotiators goofed up.As I said before, I'm wary of the farmer-against-farmer battle being posited here; I expect the US subsidies have much more to do with huge corporate agribusiness and less to do with helping family farms. HalliBush Wars, Inc. Yeah, I know HalliBush Wars, Inc. originally said that human origins of global warming were "put out by the bureaucracy," and then they said there were uncertainties about causes and consequences, and now they're admitting that smokestacks and tailpipes are to blame. But at least they're not a bunch of flip-floppers, like those Kerry/Edwards liberals! Speaking of HalliBush Wars, Inc. -- check out Bush's Brain, the new documentary about Karl Rove (based on the book of the same name). It's coming to Milwaukee in September, but I expect I can wait for the home video. Maybe someone will do a showing like they did for Outfoxed. That reminds me -- Diane has arrived in New York and is gearing up to cover the protests and the RNC (she has a press pass to get inside). So watch her site for updates when she's able to file them! And finally in HBWi news -- hooray for Madison Vets for Peace, working with conscientious objectors here in Madison. (Photo borrowed from Iowans for Peace.) Idiots and Morons Canadian MP Carolyn Parrish (no relation to P from EPMD) said recently: "We are not joining the coalition of the idiots." Oops! Parrish then begged reporters not to use the remarks: "Please guys don't put that on tape," she said. "I already got into trouble once. . . . Really, please, I've had enough trouble."But for sheer quotational merriment, you can't beat that moron Alice Cooper. Other Hey, Colombia! I thought we told you -- You do what we say! US ambassador William Wood effectively torpedoed the Colombian government's proposals to effect a prisoner exchange with one of the [country's guerrilla] groups. . . .(sniff) It's so touching to see US dilplomats go that extra mile to reach peaceful solutions to world problems. A coalition of disability groups recently released a report on how different countries in the Americas are doing on providing access. (The report was issued for negotiations on a new treaty to protect the rights of diabled persons.) Hey, look at that -- we're actually doing well in this benchmark of providing services to the public. Hard to believe! Oh, wait. I guess Bush is opposed to the treaty. Brazil ranked first with the highest marks on all six issues. The United States had the highest marks on five issues, but was second because President George W. Bush's administration has voiced opposition to a global treaty to protect and promote the human rights of disabled persons, saying national action is more effective.Strange to see Bush so antagonistic of UN processes -- usually he's such a big fan of global consensus-making and international coalitions. And how are Wisconsonites dealing with the fact that Russ Darrow -- that used-car hack who seeks the Republican nomination -- has the same first name as one of the greatest Senators alive? By using stickers! And in other news -- our water is running out and one billion people can't get clean water and 4,000 children a day are dying because they don't have basic water services. But never mind that -- what about Kerry's Vietnam War record!? TimeWaster™ Check out InfiniteWheel's Dub Selector doodads. (When you get tired of one, choose another on the bottom there.) Little Axe is my fave, but the interface of Spot can't be beat. Today I'm listening to: Culture Failure! |
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