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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Just So We're Clear... 

Here's spunky young Alberto Gonzales, applauding Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) for some reason during his (Gonzales') confirmation hearings today. At these hearings, Gonzales said that the Geneva Conventions -- which he does support, in general, now that he's in the media spotlight -- don't apply to al-Qaida because "they weren't a signatory to the convention". But Article 2 of the Third Convention (which deals with POWs) states quite clearly:
Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not a scholar of international law by any stretch of the imagination), but that sounds like we have to abide by the Geneva Conventions whether our enemies have signed up or not. If I'm right, then, this means that Gonzales either:
  1. Hasn't read the Geneva Conventions;
  2. Doesn't understand the Geneva Conventions; or
  3. Is twisting the Geneva Conventions to suit his ideological goals.
None of these possibilities ought to befit the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. I'd like to see a Hispanic Attourney General as much as the next progressive leftist, but could we maybe get one who's not a pro-torture tongue forker?

HalliBush Wars, Inc.

Meantime, those uppity Lieutenant Generals are whining again.
The U.S. Army Reserve, whose part-time soldiers serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, is “rapidly degenerating into a 'broken' force," due to misguided military policies and practices, the head of the Army Reserves said in a memo released Wednesday.
But this may be the most interesting part:
He also referred to "potential 'sociological' damage” by giving Reserve soldiers an extra $1,000 a month if they volunteer to be mobilized for a second time. Hemly said that this confuses “volunteers” with "mercenaries.”

The Army is depending heavily on volunteers to go to Iraq and Afghanistan, Helmly said, adding that the most likely to volunteer are "those who often enjoy lesser responsible positions in civilian life."
So in other words, poor people getting the shaft in George W. Bush's "economic recovery" are being drawn into the military because they have no other options. What a kooky neomarxist perspective. What's the guy doing in charge of our reserve forces?

Boo for Snow -- Hooray for Snow Days!

I know we have to make it up later in the year, but I was really happy to see that Sun Prairie schools were closed today. (TPCQ: "The following schools are closed today . . . Springfield Elementary . . . My Dear Watson Detective School. And Springfield Elementary School is open. And it's open season on savings at Costington's Department Store, which is closed.") I don't like the nightmarish conditions we'll have to drive on today and tomorrow, but it's nice to hang out in my sweatpants and clean up the apartment and lay out the MASA newsletter and do some occasional MUDding.


These pinhole pictures are fun. I don't remember where I found 'em.

Today I'm listening to: Enigma!
