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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Keep Dreaming, You Stupid Poor People! 

So the know-it-all UN thinks we can end global poverty by 2025? What a laugh! That would mean those of us in the imperial societies would have to give up our SUV limos and plasma flatscreen high definition teevees. So forget it, you pathetic proles.
According to the report, one billion people live on a dollar a day or less, many of them going to bed hungry every night; life expectancy in the poorest countries is half that in high-income countries. And every month, for example, 150,000 African children die of malaria because they don't have bed nets to keep out mosquitos, a tragedy Sachs called the "silent tsunami."
Oh, boo freakin' hoo! I'll have you know that last week my Coca-Cola Wurlitzer Nostalgic Soda Machine stopped dispensing cans of soda properly. So don't tell me your problems, you stupid TB-infected starving morons.

Look -- they stole my idea. Where's my royalty check!?

Hey, did you know we're secretly planning to attack Iran? Awesome! The last sovereign nation in the middle east we illegally invaded and occupied went really well. Maybe I should visit a recruiting office today, and beat the rush.

Why should people in Aceh be so paranoid about the Indonesian government's plan to put homeless people into resettlement camps? ("which it prefers to call centers" says the article) The last time the Indonesian government did such a thing, it worked out really well.

Today's picture swiped from solar7.83.


Thank God there are brilliant scientific minds putting their breathtaking acumen into such important technological achievements as Tall or Not. Now I can tell at a glance whether I'm taller than Kirk Douglas.

Today I'm listening to: Submedia Breakstream. Very nice breaks.
