Monday, February 14, 2005Happy Lupercalia!![]() As part of the purification ritual, the priests of Lupercus would sacrifice goats to the god, and after drinking wine, they would run through the streets of Rome holding pieces of the goat skin above their heads, touching anyone they met. Young women especially would come forth voluntarily for the occasion, in the belief that being so touched would render them fruitful and bring easy childbirth.So, in keeping with this grand tradition, I will be sacrificing a goat for my lady-love Diane. (Since we're both animal rights nuts, it'll be a tofu goat.) Big Beef Language There are some words and expressions I have a big beef with. In the interest of spreading my pedantic English teacher dogma as widely as possible, here are some tips for people who have the opportunity to write for the general public:
Other Let's see, what else. We're bribing our allies.. And take a look at these creepy people. Goat pic from Marissa. Diane and I were in NYC for ETAN stuff this weekend. 'Twas a good time. Pics will be up soon. Homer sleep now. (We got in last night at 11pm.) TimeWaster™ Well, it depends on whether you like VDay or not. You can choose something sweet or something vindictive. Watch out! That second one is wrong. Today I'm listening to: The Crystal Method! |
CommentsRecentlySam He Is -- and a Kidney He Needs George W. Bush, You're HILAROUS! Killer Robot Watch: Red Alert! I'm Naked, Because I'm a Recording Artist ArchivesPalsMadWomen for Peace (incl. Diane) GoodDie Puny Humans (Warren Ellis) Ted Rallblog Random Pictures (Photoblog) Satan's Laundromat (Photoblog) This Modern World (Tom Tomorrow) |