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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Noam Smash! 

Hey, look -- I found the tint control on RealPlayer. "Don't show me the New York Times. You wouldn't like me when I'm reading the New York Times."

There's actually a funny story there, told by Christopher Hitchens (back when he was cool). It seems Chomsky's dentist learned he was grinding his teeth. He asked the good professor about it, but he wasn't aware. So Chomsky tried to catch himself doing it; his wife Carol stayed up all night to see if it did it in his sleep; nothing. After about a week, they realized that he grinded his teeth (without realizing it) whilst reading the New York Times.

Clearing Out the Ol' Bookmark File

Time to clean out the ol' bookmark file. Let's start with ATMs in the cemetery. "Oh, damn! I didn't bring any singles to tuck into grandma's flower pot. I better hit the money machine."

Have you seen this SuDoku thing? Apparently it's buzzviralmarketworthy at the moment. I was obsessed with them for about a week last month.

Get yer illegal Harry Potter book right here! (TPCQ: "Hey yo, man. I got two pages. Two pages.")

Remember Interface, that carpet company in The Corporation that said it was trying to "climb mount sustainability"? Well, here's how they're doing.

Thanks to Rich for LegalTorrents. I hope I get some time to check them out soon. (But first I gotta finish the album I'm almost done with.)

Thanks to Garrett for letting me know about Bart Simpson Elected Mayor.

I think maybe Diane led me to these ArtOfScience pix. It was Diane or MonkeyFilter.

But it was certainly Diane who sent me this story about the strawmato. (TPCQ: "Mom, the potatoes are eating the green beans.")

I've posted this guy's pavement chalk art before. But there's a few new ones I hadn't seen. I really like this one.

Catfish!? Who eats catfish? I think this was from Mark. Or maybe I just thought of him as soon as I saw it.

Thank you for not vomiting on your Spanish teacher.

This looks like an interesting idea (in theory, at least). Where's George for books.

Anyone need some miscellaneous sound effects? I think I BM-ed these when I was doing Fred III.

I expect Garrett (and maybe Christie too) will sign on to this Open Letter to God. (One of the Google Ads I got was "God's Existence Proven!")

Everything you always wanted to know about how to survive being eaten by a whale.

I was stunned by this BBC story about Romanians crucifying a nun.
"God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil," AFP quoted the priest as saying.

"I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this. Exorcism is a common practice in the heart of the Romanian Orthodox church and my methods are not at all unknown to other priests," Father Daniel added.
TPCQ: "Could be worse."

Ooh! Ooh! I know what I'm getting Christie for her birthday -- some Michael Jackson Not Guilty Toast!

These look like quality ear bud headphones. The clip-on thing I've got is a pain after about fifteen minutes, and the earplug I've got right now keeps falling out. Also I've begun bleeding from the ear. (TPCQ: "Aaron, it's you." "Aw, what is this?")

Wow, what a bunch of random junk. Well, enjoy. Sorry if I got any attributions wrong. Now go away and leave me alone.


Have fun with this Java Mandelbrot explorer.

Today I'm listening to: REM! (From back when they were cool.)
