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Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Lamp's Running Away! 

Oh, would you look at that? Eileen had to get one of those stupid-looking lampshades around her head, because she wouldn't leave her stitches alone. What a silly puppy. (Pic by RobotArmMonkeyBrain.)

The whole story is in this week's SynCast, which also showcases...

Jesse's Music

My good friend Jesse was kind enough to feature my work on The Technocracy, WSUM-Madison's 91.7 college radio station (although apparently I wasn't cool enough to merit a link on their page, much to the contrary of what the host said on the air). Anyway, I thought I'd do some turnabout as fair play.

Therefore, this week's SynCast features the following Jesse songs, all from his 1996 album Myths and Metaphors:
  1. Who Hides
  2. These Hands (one of my faves)
  3. Carried Close
  4. and a Jesse song-like thing that not even Jesse has ever heard.
Enjoy, everybody!


Check out this Very Cool Illusion. I love stuff like this.

Today I'm listening to: Jesse!
