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Thursday, February 23, 2006

CW Bloggers: The Next Generation 

Today I'm taking my second-semester Creative Writing students into the computer lab so they can set up their blogs. I figure I should have something new up here so they believe that I blog at least twice a week. (Those who know better can leave comments where you call me a liar.)

Why the picture from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers? Because they rock, and they give me inspiration. And I was looking through some old posts and I found that MegaMeme I did a while back which people may want to go look at again. Ah, good times.

Kohl Like That (or: Like That, Kohl?)

Check it out -- Anti-War Activists Storm Kohl Event:
Calling themselves members of the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, seven anti-war protesters interrupted Kohl as he was about to speak to supporters at the Orpheum Theatre Wednesday evening.

"We all now know that the war in Iraq was based on lies," protester Jim Murphy, a Catholic priest from Portage, read from a script. "Too many innocent lives have been lost and too many dollars have been spent. We are here tonight to appeal to your conscience and ask you to sign a pledge."
While I myself would probably not have the guts to jump up on stage, I think it's appropriate to put pressure on Kohl, who has been supremely wishy-washy on Iraq (among other issues). This part amused me:
Kohl was preparing to make brief remarks before debuting a 10-minute campaign video to a crowd of about 150 supporters in the theater's lobby.
I didn't realize Kohl had 150 supporters. I figured people just voted for him because he was barely the lesser of two evils.


Here, for some reason, is a series of photos showing Russians shooting a pig from a cannon. (Yes, the pig makes it through okay.) Via MonkeyFilter.

Today I'm listening to: Alex Cortiz!
