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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff 

I did a GooglImage search for "stuff" and found this guy stuffing balloons in his pants. Smile, dude! You're famous now.

This week's SynCast also features people who are on their way to being famous -- specifically, two standup comedians I've recently come to love:
  • Azhar Usman, the founder of the "Allah Made Me Funny" Comedy Tour. We saw him recently in Madison and he did indeed kill. His CD isn't as superb as the stuff he did here, but he's clearly got skills.

  • Eugene Mirman, a really weird and funny guy. I found his CD used and love it. He's got a weird singing kid on his website.
Let's Clean Out the Bookmarks

I've been saving stuff for months. I'm ready to dump them. Most of it comes from MonkeyFilter. Ready? Wrote a song about it. Wanna hear it? Here goes..

Need a remedy to all the online friend-making sites? Try Isolatr!

Check out the BarnCam! Also peep the GainesvilleCam, with time-elapsed video clips!

The guy who invented the Apple logo never got a dime. You suck, Apple!

These abstract caricatures are pretty cool.

Choose Hoth for the 2014 Olympics!

Why on Earth do I have NASCAR Meats bookmarked?

Did I post the Cyborg Name Decoder already? It's been so long..

Okay, I think that's it. I suppose I should go grade some papers or something.


Homicidal is twisted and violent, but well made.

Today I'm listening to: Channel Live!
