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Monday, May 29, 2006

Ich Bin Ein SynCaster 

Er um uh.. It gives me great pleasure to announce that this week's SynCast is now available for all you people to hear. It contains many great sounds and is sure to keep your moron ears happy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a very important meeting coming up with my PS2 advisers. Er um uh.. And also papers to ah.. grade.

By the way, did you know that the "I am a jelly donut" thing is just an urban legend? And I just this week told my class it was the truth. D'oh!

Timor Tension

It looks like things are calmer today in Timor, but everything's still way tense. While the schism between the rebel troops and government/military leaders goes back a way, I don't know much about it, so I won't comment on it. What I can say is that the "gangs of youths" that every article is referring to have their roots in the country's staggering unemployment, which is estimated at 50%.
"The problems in Dili, I'd say the thing that's really sort of in-your-face all the time is the unemployment. The young people, especially young men wanting work, rushing to look for work," [Sister Tess Ward] said.
Sister Ward also says the prospect of civil war -- which every news outlet is suggesting in every story -- is unlikely.
"No way," she said. "That would be an extreme view. I think the normal, everyday Timorese little people, as I would say, the normal people on the ground, they do not want civil war."
As usual, the majority of folks who have nothing to do with this dispute are caught in the middle. I got an email from Yohan and Milena, currently in Australia for the Northern Territory Writers' Festival. They're okay, but some of the family's whereabouts are unknown. It goes without saying that our thoughts and best wishes are with them.


Check out Dan Castellaneta and Harry Shearer doing Simpsons voices on Conan's show. (Conan used to write for The Simpsons, for those who didn't know.)

Today I'm listening to: Shine!
