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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blogging for the Sake of Blogging 

Check out the collection of deleted Bloom County strips, courtesy of Platypus Comix. (Weird Harold is back!)

The main site has some pretty cool stuff, like the worst TV pilots ever made and MTV's top 20 videos of 1984. And of course there's one person in particular whom I know will enjoy the Japanese X-Men cartoon intro.

Pardon Me, I Have Nothing to Say

I really don't have a reason to blog today, other than it's been almost a week now. As I said last time, I've done little else besides read comics and play video games. I'm working my way through the Spider Man books Garrett lent me, and also reading a Star Wars novel. And listening to Eileen bark spastically whenever a truck drives by. (And since they're redoing the sidewalks, that's every five minutes.)

This is a sign from the universe: Our hyperconsumerism is incompatible with our habitat. One of them must be destroyed.


What could be better than the Belgian Farting Pig Cartoon? Any number of things, really. But thanks anyway to MonkeyFilter, which is also where I got the stuff at the top. And the SUV limo pic. Ehh, this whole post is just replicating MoFi junk.

Today I'm listening to: Lard!
