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Listen to the Deviant SynCast! [Archive]

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fresh for '05, You Readers! 

So now I got former students bugging me about why don't I post more than once a week? Well, listen, [NAME OF FORMER STUDENT], if you're willing to grade all these papers I gotta grade, then maybe I can post more frequently. So back off!

Anyway, this week's SynCast is a delightful mix of really good stuff. We've got items from..
  • Kids in the Hall
  • All Natural
  • Mitch Hedberg
  • Autechre
  • Daft Punk
  • Innerstance.Beatbox
  • The Snatch Soundtrack
  • and more!
(although I can't remember what "more" entails..)

Et Cetera

Would you believe I got Civilization III working on my laptop? Now I'll definitely get those papers graded.


Make yourself in Lego! Check me out. (Along with the other Monkeys.)

Today I'm listening to: A Public Affair!
