Wednesday, November 30, 2005I'll Show You the Life of the Mind!![]() After we got done discussing some items from the film, I gave them these three questions to think about:
There are two ways not to suffer from the inferno we are all living in every day. The first suits most people: accept the inferno and become part of it to the point where you don't even see it any more. The second is riskier and requires constant attention and willingness to learn: seek out and know how to recognize whoever and whatever, in the midst of the inferno, is not inferno, and help them last, give them space.Me, The Writer I certainly began as a WP Mayhew (souse!) -- I just liked making stuff up. But the more I wrote (in high school and, most of all, in college), the more I realized that it wasn't enough. I wanted to say something significant about the human condition. Some people see Barton's character as quintessentially anti-intellectual, but I must disagree. His heart is in the right place ("We need more heart in motion pictures.."), but he's not willing to listen. I certainly agree with Barton that the best writing comes from some kind of inner pain (whether or not that has anything to do with wanting to help others). There are plenty of good writers (King, Pratchett, Rowling, even Grisham at times) who seem motivated purely by the desire to tell an interesting story, if not necessarily an important one. But the writers I look up to most (Roy, Algren, Danticat, Shakespeare, Lem, Jorge) all work to bring a confluence of the significant and the entertaining. Pretension can get in the way, but I've long preferred obtuse diatribes to its un-meaninged counterpart. What's In the Box!? I told my class they sounded like Brad Pitt at the end of SE7EN. "What's in the box?" We all know what's in the box -- the real question for me is why Barton has it. Charlie said "It isn't mine." Whose then is it? Well, if she wrote WP's books ("Well .. this"), then who gets credit for the movie script? What's in her mind? ("Isn't it yours?") I'm trying not to come right out and say it. The play (and now movie) Rent was basically stolen from Sarah Schulman, but no one even knows her name. Who owns the idea we rip off from someone else? ("Isn't it yours?") What does it mean to write -- especially when we're writing about the lives of the people around us? (Let's assume I can own the rights to write about my own life.) Never mind how long I've been in pictures .. Wait, I mean: Never mind what Hollywood wants; Barton is finally catatonic because he doesn't know (may have never known) how to own the material. I Never Noticed That As with Primer, I see something new every time I watch Fink ("You're a sick [man], Fink.") This time...
Don't forget to look at the trivia bits on the IMDB. TimeWaster™ MarioQ is strange and wonderful. Via ABS. Today I'm listening to: Little Brother! (No, not Lil' Brudder!) Sunday, November 27, 2005Vote Cheesehead Feingold!![]() A cheesehead is a native or resident of Wisconsin, a leading dairy state. The term also refers to the yellow "cheese" wedges worn on the heads of Green Bay Packers football fans.So I whipped up this Photoshop job. I'll either get an appreciative note from the good Senator, or a legal notice that I must take it down forthwith. I'll let you know. (And why would he make a good president?) SynCast This week's SynCast is a hastily-slapped-together mishmash made right before I ran off to grab Diane from the airport. We've got stuff from:
TimeWaster™ The Blue Button Game is fun for about three minutes. Today I'm listening to: The New Style! (4 and 3 and 2 and 1) Sunday, November 20, 2005Mixing Media![]()
I also put up a Deviant SynCast archive. Collect 'em all! More Media I also finally got around to posting my pictures from East Timor. There's a few, but I've optimized them as much as possible for fast viewing. Be sure especially to see the panorama shot of the Santa Cruz Cemetery. (That one wasn't on the VidCast slideshow.) Other Peoples' Work Check out this Ted Rall cartoon. He really nailed it with this one. For some Flash fun, check out Volte-Face. Via ABS. And the Blue Ball Machine is fun too. Maybe I should save these for future TimeWasters™, but -- nahh. TimeWasters™ You'll waste plenty of time watching these Interesting High-Speed Video Clips. WMV format -- my favorite is the water balloons popping. Monday, November 14, 2005SynCast #22: Special Edition![]()
TimeWaster™ Have you seen the HomeStarRunner 2005 Halloween Toon yet? If not, get crackin! Today I'm listening to: Gift of Gab! Sunday, November 06, 2005Fabio Got the Bird![]() SynCast Speaking of good things for you to download: Check out this week's SynCast. Today's edition features:
TimeWaster™ Tom Cruise Kills Oprah. I found it at the same site as the Fabio video. I also found this, this and this. Today I'm listening to: Public Enemy! |
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