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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Stuff! 

Yeah, it's been forever since I blogged. Sorry about that -- crazy busy lately, what with the end of the school year, buying a house, getting married, planning a new course for next year. You'll excuse me if I haven't had time to fill your life with my rambling diatribes.

But I have been busy on the digital art front. (Gentlemen..) Behold my latest GMM project. It's another music video, this time for Ladytron's magnificent track "Destroy Everything You Touch". I used clips from Fight Club. Seems like a good match. Lemme know what you think.

New Sticker Too

I also made this new bumper sticker; the idea came to me when we were watching Flash (ahhh) Gordon this past weekend. (The idea to watch it came to me when I was flailing my flash (ahhh) drive at students in the hallway at school on Friday.)

You can order the sticker (and see a larger version) here. (Garrett, you may now chastise me for all the bald white male villains I left out.)


Automobile! Baby loves my automobile! Drives it all day long! Thank you. Sigh -- Evan's the one who hipped me to this. RIP, buddy.

Today I'm listening to: Ladytron!
