Saturday, November 18, 2006Summon Up The Blood*![]() Surely it must seem odd to those who know me as a fervent antiwar activist to be so engrossed in military memoirs and virtuality, but I think -- as Rieckhoff points out -- that it's really important for us civvies to get a handle on what it's like for the men and women who do the fighting (sometimes on our behalf). After all, Remarque wrote All Quiet on the Western Front to let people know about his experiences in WWI. * From Henry V, Act III, Scene 1. Chasing Ghosts Review Part One: War Life I really enjoyed Rieckhoff's book. There are bits I disagree with -- see below -- but overall I'm impressed with the clarity of his style and the humanizing way he depicts both his troops and the Iraqis. Some parts of the story serve to illustrate how poorly the troops are supported by the government -- Rieckhoff mentions the incident when Rumsfeld was grilled by a soldier about why the equipment and vehicles given to the troops are so poorly armored. Although Rieckhoff doesn't go this far, I think such a point is made more frustrating by the fact that our defense budget for 2006 is 450 billion dollars, not counting the wars in Iraq and Afghganistan (those are costing an extra 63 billion). If that money isn't going toward things our troops really need, like armor and NVG brackets (night-vision goggle clips, which Rieckhoff mentions are in short supply), where is it going? Sometimes it's a "bureaucratic muddle," as Rieckhoff puts it. Describing the difficulty they often had communicating with other troops who were very closeby, he writes: Higher command had refused to give me the radio frequency I needed to call that unit, so we couldn't request help. We were two hundred meters away from each other, and we couldn't talk. . . . I wasn't even supposed to cross the sector line, walk over to the other unit and ask then what their frequency was. . . .Rieckhoff also does a very good job of depicting the instant horror of dealing with checkpoints and civilians (who could potentially be insurgents). (Tim Robbins also did this well in Embedded, and Thomas writes in Hell's Gate about the time a group of Vietnamese men in Buddhist monk robes opened fire with AK47s.) Rieckhoff writes: A scenario that happened more times than I can count: a sedan comes barreling toward us. The headlights are out. The car is not slowing down. Maybe the driver can't see the line of soldiers in the street. Maybe he doesn't notice the headlights of two Humvees facing him. Maybe he's extremely drunk. Maybe the car is filled with a hundred pounds of explosives. We wave our flashlights at the car. But he keeps coming. We fire warning shots in the air. But he keeps coming. The car is close enough now that I can see the outline of the three passengers inside the cabin. But he keeps coming. I think about the fact that last week, another Squad lit up a car and killed a little girl. The .50-cal rounds blew her head clear off her body. She was wearing a little blue dress. I saw the pictures. But the driver keeps [bad word] coming. Just a few weeks ago, four American soldiers were killed ten blocks away when a car loaded with explosives ran a checkpoint. One of the soldiers had five kids. Another was nineteen years old and had just gotten married. We fire rounds into the ground feet in front of the bumper. But he keeps coming. There are no alternatives left. The vehicle is close enough that I can see dents in the orange hood.Part of the power of this sort of honest depiction is that it will keep those of us here in our safe cocoon from making snap judgments about those serving overseas. We have to admit that we don't know what it's like, and that we have to put everything in context. At the same time, I feel as though so much of what Chasing Ghosts describes (this is true about other war stories, especially All Quiet) points to the need for us to abolish the existence of war itself. (Rieckhoff says that sometimes war is necessary -- more on this below -- but spares no rage for those who led us into Iraq on faulty premises.) Chasing Ghosts Review Part Two: Aftermath When it comes to Iraq, Rieckhoff has some important points to make. First is the state of the nation: Think of it this way: Iraq is like an entire country with battered woman syndrome. U.S. forces are like cops responding to a domestic violence case. We have removed the abusive husband, but the wife and children are not "all better" the day their oppressor gets locked up. The family has deep mental and physical wounds that will not disappear overnight. They desperately need care, treatment, and time to heal properly. And to compound the problem, the cops have eaten from the fridge, busted the TV, and left the front door open with a broken lock. (166)It is this recognition that the military is not always helping matters that makes CG a truly excellent book -- it is more self-aware than I ever expected. When describing the regular raids his troops conducted, he discusses the importance of trying to apologize when raiding a house of innocent civilians unconnected to the insurgency: So it was critical that we showed remorse and humility. My men made every effort to repair the stereotypical image of the ugly American that so many people around the globe have grown to despise. . . .Chasing Ghosts Review Part Three: Politics & Media Once back in the US, Rieckhoff describes the social and political climate he finds at home. In addition to the on-edge unease experienced by everyone returning to civilian life after combat, he says: My values had changed. I didn't have time for bull[bad word], velvet ropes, and polite small talk anymore. I only cared about things with real meaning. Solipsistic fashionistas and silk-suited businessmen strutting down the street made me cringe. They were self-appointed Masters of the Universe who cared more about the labels on their clothes than the policies of their country. I laughed at the urban hipsters and hip-hop roughnecks wearing army field jackets and camouflage to be cool. (261)In the runup to the 2004 election, Rieckhoff tries to influence the Bush and Kerry campaigns; Bush completely ignores him, and while Kerry met with him and other vets, the Kerry team tries to make them into props with no role but to repeat talking points. "Clearly," he writes on p. 300, "the John Kerry of 1971 never could've gotten in to see the John Kerry of 2004." Whilst describing his relations with international journalists in Iraq, Rieckhoff makes several salient points. One is that the military's censorship of its personnel (the movie Jarhead showed this intriguingly), combined with the media's reliance on official sources, leads to "weak and inaccurate" coverage of the war (Rieckhoff's words). They never got the other side. The Iraqi side. When was the last time you saw Colonel Ollie North interviewing an Iraqi about Operation Kickass or whatever clever name the Army came up with? It would be the equivalent of a reporter covering the story of a white cop shooting a black man in an American inner city, and only interviewing the cops, not the family and neighbors to get their take on the event. You'd only get 50 percent of the story. And a very slanted 50 percent. (216)Ollie North got a chance to whine about this excerpt when Rieckhoff went on Hannity & Colmes. The book goes on to say: War reporting should not be about balance. It should be about accuracy. There's never a perfect equilibrium of good and bad news stories in any situation. People always complain that the news doesn't show enough good stories coming out of Iraq. That's because it is a war zone. The news is already bad. Imagine how much worse the reports would be without all the Pentagon spin. If you want good news stories, go to Disneyland. (216)Chasing Ghosts Review Part Four: Sensible War? At the end of the book, Rieckhoff makes clear his political independence: [Members of Operation Truth, the organization founded by Rieckhoff and others] weren't tree-hugging peaceniks and we weren't throwing our medals at the White House. Sometimes military action is necessary -- all of us understood that. . . . We argued that what America needed was a sensible war movement. (302, emphasis in the original)Obviously, the philosophical divide about whether war is a necessary or unnecessary evil is universal and has existed as long as war has. But I really object to the continued demonization of antiwar activists as "tree-hugging peaceniks". My high school friend Owen (who has built a career in the military) and I didn't see eye-to-eye on many questions of politics (especially whether or not war was necessary). But he understood that my objection to war came from my love for human life -- including (especially?) the life of the soldier. The same is true about most antiwar activists I know; while perhaps it is a testament to the poor job many activists have done in communicating how we feel, this dismissive attitude is annoying at best and serves to alienate potential allies at worst. As for tactics: We also made the strategic decision that we would not be joining any antiwar protesters marching around with signs ranging from "End the Blockade of Cuba!" to "Free Palestine!" Public demonstrations and rallies were outmoded, Vietnam-era tactics that failed to move either the public or the policy makers. (303)There are two different things being thrown into the pot at once here:
Rieckhoff does make a very good point about what protests look like from inside the base: [W]hen they marched outside military bases, for example, their efforts came across, to veterans, as insensitive and counterproductive. Although their intentions may have been otherwise, they appeared to blame the warriors, instead of the decision makers, for the war. (303)I definitely agree. I've always made it clear to my friends and former students in the military that my beef is with those who make the policy, not those who are ordered to carry it out. We can discuss the rights and responsibilities of soldiers who are given orders which conflict with their conscience, but I agree with Rieckhoff that we should keep our focus on the people in charge. Chasing Ghosts Review Part Five: Conclusions and the Future Overall, I feel that I -- and others in the antiwar movement -- have a tremendous amount of common ground with Rieckhoff and those allied with him. I've spent some time perusing the site of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), along with Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). IAVA says we need to stay in Iraq and help it stabilize ("bring 'em home now is not only naive -- it's also possibly the cruelest and easiest way to screw up Iraq more than we already have," Rieckhoff says on page 308); this position is echoed by the Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC). IVAW, on the other hand, supports an immediate withdrawal of all US troops, in part through the Appeal for Redress. I can see worthwhile arguments on both sides of this one. I would also make the following points, however:
Next time: Killer robot update! I've got some scary stuff to report. TimeWaster™ Guess the Logo! How well do you recognize corporate icons? I was surprised at how well I did. Today I'm listening to: Eileen, sleeping on the couch! Tuesday, November 14, 2006Diane's Famous (Again)![]() Today the indefatigable DLF was a featured guest on Democracy Now!, where she spoke about the latest report on VNRs and how many of the stations being investigated by the FCC are still broadcasting this fake news. The global warming example that you showed is a great example of, if only that information had been presented, that this was presented by ExxonMobil's lobbying firm, you would take that information, you would evaluate it much differently. So, the aim of disclosure is not to suppress VNRs. It's not to say TV stations can't air these. It's to provide an essential piece of information to news audiences.See why I love her? Well, it's a major reason. There's lots of others too. I'm not feeling well today; I came home early from school to rest. So I'mma go rest. No TimeWaster today. Maybe I'll post something later in the week. Tuesday, November 07, 2006We Love You, Evan![]() I met Evan at New College in Sarasota, Florida. He knew loads about music and film and had very eclectic tastes. He introduced me to SPK and other unusual artists. He was goofy and had a great sense of humor, but he also appreciated calm reasonable discussions. This photo was taken in Palm Court, ground zero of the New College social landscape. I like to think of him there; we had some good times amongst those trees. I remember the wall he threw where he played "Pickle Potato" alongside crazy noise music. People complained, but we just smiled at each other. You can see more pix of him here, here, and here. I moved back to my hometown of Gainesville Florida in 1998, and he arrived soon after, to attend the University of Florida's graduate school program. But in Gainesville he joined a band called Vini and the Demons, and before long he was devoting all his time to music. It was for music that he moved north to Chicago around the time I moved to Madison (2000). We only spoke twice a year or so, but I still considered him a good friend. Vini and Evan moved to Las Vegas recently, but for whatever reason the music still wasn't taking off. He made plans to return to Gainesville, but then changed his mind. And then tonight I got the phone call telling me what happened. Evan introduced me to Neil Hamburger, through the prank-call album Great Phone Calls. It features the line "Could you write my name on the toilet?", "Pickle Potato" (one of Evan's faves), and the classic "Hijinx" bit. Go have a listen. Evan was a drummer -- they called him Evil Evan. His drum solos were something to see. He had a chilled confidence when at his kit, whacking away with poise or savage ferocity as the song required. You can buy the V&D CD here. I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm frustrated. I don't know how you're supposed to feel when you hear that someone you love killed himself. I can't help feeling like he gave up; like he took an easy way out. But isn't that a horrible thing to think? How can I know what his pain was like? I guess all I can really say is that I hope he's at peace. I hope there is a heaven, and he's in it. While we were at New College, I edited a "magazine" (if it can be called that) called The Final Analysis. In perhaps our best issue, Evan joined with Paul Beer to write some haiku about Star Wars. I reprint them here as a tribute to my fallen comrade. Star Wars HaikuFarewell Alderaan. Indeed. TimeWaster™ The 2006 HomestarRunner Halloween Cartoon is fun. Today I'm listening to: a remix I did of a Vini & The Demons song. (Because I can't find my copy of their CD.) I also did a remix of an earlier track Evan played on, Snickerdoodle. (The sample of "Du Hast" is mixed in because we both thought it was the most ridiculous song ever. I remember how hard he laughed when I played it for him for the first time.) Evan also had a speaking part near the end of my Devil in Black song I Lost My Bowling Ball in Watsonville. |
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