Thursday, July 30, 2009Žižek: Yeah, okay. I'm In.![]() One of the other memorable interviews in the film is with Slovenian Marxist-Lacanian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, standing before a big mountain of trash and insisting that a true ecology movement could not (and certainly should not) avoid engagement with the refuse of our civilization. Enter Jon Broad, who was the one who insisted long ago that I watch Barton Fink. Thus, I have come to appreciate his taste in the life of the mind. (Ya like how I wove them things together there?) He told me at a social gathering about how he's been reading Žižek and enjoying him, and I mentioned seeing him in Examined Life. So I'm standing there in Rainbow Books and I find a newly reprinted edition of his first book, The Sublime Object of Ideology. I'm really enjoying it, so I went and found some audio interviews. Then I realize that the director of Examined Life made a whole movie about him, called (oddly enough) Žižek! (For some reason one of the interviews takes place while he's chillaxing in bed.) Today I watched it, and soon I will devour the special features. He's got many important things to say, but one of the things I like best is the relatively high meaningful-stuff-to-horsecrap ratio. He's dense, but — not only is there important meaning inside his language — he gives profuse real-world examples and allusions to culture, popular and otherwise. Perhaps the most worthwhile audio interview I found is this one, in which he discusses the 2008 Republican National Convention and theory and movies and ideology and a bunch of other topics. (It also has good sound quality — some of the others were proper scratchy, like they'd been duplicated from an old 78 wax cylinder.) I'm intrigued by the interdisciplinary nature of his work. He doesn't focus on one particular part of the problem(s), he localizes each/all within a wide array of contexts, making important (and unusual) connections between them. He's also a really funny guy, but there's definitely some "laughing to keep from crying" (as Langston Hughes called it). Indeed, at one point in the movie he suggests that his popularity and media attention on his comedic value may be a way to distract people from what he's trying to say. I won't go into more boring detail here — like anyone worth learning from, you can find lots of resources very easily today. So I encourage people who like thinking about stuff to check him out; the above-linked interview is a good place to start, or else find the documentary movie somewhere. Oh, and — as Jon Broad helpfully pointed out — he's on Twitter. TimeWaster™ One of the best scenes in the film is this appearance on Comcast's CN8 cable show "nitebeat", where he was interviewed by very loud host Barry Nolan. (Interesting side note: Apparently Nolan was fired from CN8 for protesting an Emmy award being given to Bill O'Reilly.) Today I'm listening to: Kettel! Oh yeah, here's the trailer for Examined Life. PS. Did you hear about the Boston cop who referred to Henry Louis Gates, Jr. as a "banana-eating jungle monkey"? Here's the email. (TPCQ: "Here's what they think about you.") Friday, July 24, 2009Fury, Rage, Gates, Obama, and Cops![]() I'm so angry that I can't even organize this post in my head. I keep coming up with different things I want to say. Let's start with the basics: This arrest had nothing to do with a break-in. The arresting officer, Sgt. James Crowley, recognized immediately (probably when he saw Gates' Harvard ID) that there was no break-in. The arrest was for disorderly conduct. Crowley said that Gates was yelling at him in his kitchen, calling him "racist". Crowley said he had to go onto the front porch because "the acoustics of the kitchen and foyer were making it difficult for me to transmit pertinent information". Gates followed him onto the front porch, where he was arrested. Sgt. Crowley recently said: "The professor at any time could have resolved the issue by quieting down and/or going back inside his house." Gates says he couldn't possibly have been yelling because he had bronchitis which he contracted during the trip to China from which he was returning. He also claims that Crowley repeatedly ignored or refused his request for his name and badge number. Several lawyers have noted that you can't be arrested for disorderly conduct in your own home, so it's possible that the porch move was intended to get Gates to a location where he could be arrested. ![]() (The image at left is the leading graphic right now on the FoxNews website.) Conservatives are claiming that Obama "went too far" when he said: Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that, but I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there is a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That's just a fact.Michelle Malkin, my favorite moron illiterate bonehead who somehow keeps getting on TV, says that "Obama trashed police officers as 'stupid' on national TV". Rush Limbaugh suggests that Obama has "a chip on the shoulder". A number of police officials are also upset about Obama's remarks. Retired police chief Joseph McNamara of San Jose said: "He [Obama] really hurt the police terribly. What bothers me is the tremendous stature that President Obama has with the minority community. [Obama's comments could cause] a very unfortunate and tremendous setback for police efforts that have been impressive over the 50 years since I became a policeman." Notice: Crowley's actions aren't the problem here. Obama's comments are. I'm very happy to see Obama's reaction: "What's the problem?" He told ABC News: "I am surprised by the controversy surrounding my statement, because I think it was a pretty straightforward commentary that you probably don't need to handcuff a guy, a middle-aged man who uses a cane, who's in his own home." Good for you, Mr. President. As an English teacher, I also have an obligation to point out something very basic: Obama said that the cops "acted stupidly". That's very different from calling the cops stupid. One addresses the actions of the police officers, and one focuses on their identity. Obama took precisely the correct approach — talking about what they did, not who they are. Authority and Ego ![]() But none of this changes the fact that he acted stupidly. (Teachers like me deal with intense pressure too — though obviously not as intense as those faced by cops — but when we do something stupid, we should be called on it.) As Gates points out, when Crowley realized what was going on, he did not say: "Is everything okay here?" He did not show the owner of the house any deference. It sounds like Gates was upset (and who can blame him), and Crowley didn't like that. Only one person (Sgt. Crowley) knows for sure whether race played a part, so it's pointless to speculate on his filthy racist mentality or his pure and unblemished love for all peoples of all colors. The point is this: Sgt. Crowley arrested someone who had not broken the law. He should apologize. And I should stop following this story, because all the "commentary" and lazy reporting makes me more and more furious. But I do recommend reading What Do You Call a Black Man with a Ph.D.?, by Gates' friend Lawrence Bobo: I will say that when I moved into the same affluent area as Gates, I wondered whether someone might mistakenly report me, a black man, for breaking into my own house in a largely white neighborhood and what I would have to do to prove that the house actually belonged to me if the police showed up at the door.TimeWaster™ Thanks to (who else?) Madsimian for bringing us this superb Rick Astley vs. Nirvana mashup: Today I'm listening to: Dana Gould! (Not his best work ever; that was his "Swedish Cooking Hour" bit which I would pay lots of money to hear again.) Tuesday, July 07, 2009I Love My Wife![]() Here she is at the Trevi Fountain during our honeymoon in 2007. Ain't she cute? How did a pudgy shlub like me end up with a knockout like her? Diane is smart, funny, and compassionate. She's awesome and fun to be around. She lives her principles, but she's got a gorgeously open mind. TPCQ: You're such a super lady! I could go on all night, but I think that will embarrass her enough for this year. Thanks to everyone who sent anniversary wishes, even though they made me feel guilty (since I can never remember anyone else's). Here's to 102 more! TimeWaster™ You want more fun with Diane? Why not watch the Road Trip Movie again? Here's part one via YouTube: Today I'm listening to: Lifesavas! |
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